Sunday, January 1, 2017

Jeffersonian Democrats

The triumph of the Jeffersonian Republicans everywhere the federalists in the years foregoing Andrew Jacksons presidency had established a in the altogether tone in the States. They had developed both a strong belief in democracy and in liberty, which would attend to in their future endeavors. Furthermore, a desire for material achievement and industrial expansion had arisen delinquent to time in which they lived. The people looked to expand their territories not still geographically, but in any case with industry and culture. They were in effect, pioneers who change magnitude and refined the the Statesn way.\n\nThe new-fashioned found freedoms allowed the people to test with new ways of aliveness that they previously would never had touched. Their refinement was to seek a pause way of life finished trial. New religious practices were undertaken in masses as the Statesns looked to comprehend faith as a means for discovering inner worth. gibe to Van Deusen, these forms were spiritualism and Mormonism to transcendental philosophy and Unitarianism. Some attempted to recrudesce there freedom through socialistic and communist practices period other looked to religious Utopias. Their new freedoms also allowed them to protest issues that had been bottled up over time. There were demonstrations on womens right, and for the abolition of slavery.\n\nDemocracy had its impacts in the economic world of America as well. The coupled States became fill up with greedy people who, match to Van Deusen, felt it was the right, the duty, and the opportunity of Americans to expand the area of freedom and enrich it. They pushed these policies to the far reaches of the globe, direct clipper ships to seven seas date pushing their own boundaries to the pacific and the Rio Grande.\n\nWith this new booming expansion, America was faced with a new task. How were people and products going to be moved efficiently from caput A to point B? A new emphasis was pla ced on change loony toons within the United States. The locomote engine was introduced as propulsion for both destroy and sea vehicles. The steamboat was introduced to the web of canals and rivers that were use throughout the United States. The steam engine train was also brought to use as railways dotted the landscape. As Van Deusen called it, America was experiencing a transportation revolution. As a result of this boom, product transport rates drastically decreased as did transportation time. In 1800 one calendar week of travel from New York would buzz off brought you...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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