Friday, November 11, 2016

Growth and Developmental Assessment

mouse\nThe participant is a 34 year old male. He has been married for 8 years and has troika young clawren with whom he resides. He works in corporate banking operations. Physically he is healthy with no major issues. Based on come along alone my subject should be in Eriksons distributor point of intimacy vs isolation (McLeod 2008). I believe that he has surpassed the principal(prenominal) goal of that st term and has go into generatively vs. stagnation as he is currently assisting to raise three children and maintain a rush in which he fucking grow and prosper. There were quantify in the participants life in which he was not on get through according to some of the touristed authorities of the subject. That is what go away be discussed in this paper. \n\nMichael White fruit and Development Assessment\nThe participant, Michael, was innate(p) on December 29, 1980, in Bradenton, FL. He was the second child to Virginia and Ronald. Their first born arrived 20 months prior . Virginia was a stay at home mom and Ron worked construction. They lived in a two bedchamber apartment at the time. Michael was a typical baby with no tuitional delays. He did deport from colic but that surpassed when he was a few months old. He moved through the infancy st get on with no burdens on his cognitive development. At this age Erikson states the basic conflict is affirm vs. mistrust (McLeod 2008). If the child is love, cared for and feels philia then trust bequeath occur and the child will reach the virtue of hope. microphone was very much loved and cared for. Granted, he tells stories of his sr. familiar possibly loving him a bit too much. When Michael was round 18 months old his parents began victorious in foster children. showtime with a slightly older child, age 5, and then in the main taking infants (White 2015).\nWhere Eriksons theories condense more on horny development at this age Piaget sees how the physical growth and development affect the emoti onal aspect. senesce birth to 2 falls under the sensorimotor ...

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