Monday, February 10, 2014

Write an analysis on 'Ode to a Nightingale', focusing on how Keats presents some of the ideas he was struggling with at the time.

A major point in Ode to a nightingale is Keatss learning of the conflicted spirit of human life, i.e., the interconnection or variety show of torment/ ecstasy, life/death, mortal/immortal, the actual/the saint, and the inextricable merge amongst the real and the unreal. In the ode, Keats focuses on immediate sensations and emotions that the subscriber fail draw a conclusion from or a notion. throughout the ode he is trying to work through his ideas and feelings about delectation and pain, and the link between the real and the unreal.          The opening of the poem is in truth bowed down(p) and negative; my heart aches, with numbness pains my sense making the reader think that it must be a rattling heavy pain to be felt when a soulfulness is numb. He feels as if he might have of hemlock rum or emptied some dull opiate to the drains; this resembles the qualities of the Lethe, the Underworld river that the pulseless drank from in smart set to forget all that they had done or say while living. The feeling is in fact the payoff of a deep awareness of the gaiety of the nightingale he hears cantabile; his resulting pleasure is so exquisite it has become painful. He feels joy and pain, a response of two minds - he is happy, exclusively he is too happy, which is then what is causing him the pain. The ode reads as if Keats is jealous, further he is not, he is examining the ironic link between happiness and heartbreak; can pleasure be so intense that it numbs us or causes us pain? At the startle of the ode, the doll is presented to us as a real bird, just now as the poem progresses, the bird becomes a symbol for the beauties of nature and the ideal world. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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