Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Voluntary Simplicity

What is Voluntary Simplicity and would it work in Sri Lanka? A formulation on the benefits of the Voluntary Simplicity ideology in immediately’s nightspot Voluntary Simplicity What is it and how does it apply to Sri Lankan fraternity? We live in times where consumerism has taken over ordination and those who have endeavored to realize their lifelong dreams are now coming countless problems, ranging from their homes being repossessed to bankruptcy, which is not only due to the prevalent financial crisis but also a by ingathering of the rat race of life in the modern era. This has brought rough a realization among many people that they have allowed sure-enough(prenominal) possessions and money take control of their lives, causing them to desire to a greater extent and more as these possessions eventually do not trifle their needs, thus rejuvenating the concept of self-imposed simplicity and generating a big(a) amount of interest in the Volunt ary Simplicity Movement. What is spontaneous simplicity? A.R. Fleming explains that the voluntary simplicity philosophy involves finding those things that stand firm a real sense of happiness, which entails spending less on material possessions and more time on contemplation, through which the case-by-case creates more time to spend on themselves and their loved ones (A.R. Fleming). H. Switall goes on to explain that this concept of a simple life-style is where a person has clearly identified what is enough for them and dispenses whatever is be and that it does not refer to living under extreme or harsh conditions (Switall, H). C. Goldberg reports the comments of writer Ms. St. James, who says that she and other leaders following a life of voluntary simplicity repeatedly emphasize that this modus vivendi does not involve living in poverty, but scarcely reducing everything that does not bring joy to your life so that you can reconcile more time for those things that d o elucidate you happy (Goldberg, C). Ori! gins of voluntary simplicity Who could wear a enchantment or two extra...If you want to get a broad(a) essay, come out it on our website:

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