Monday, January 27, 2014

The Stranger by Albert Camus.

In The Stranger, Albert Camus reveals Meursault, the books narrator and main character as distant, isolated, and un wound up. He does not think much about events or their consequences, nor does he evoke much feeling in relationships or during emotional times. He displays unconcern throughout the book in his reactions to hatful and events depict in the book. After Meursaults fixs death he sheds no tears and shows no emotion. He displays limited feelings for his girlfriend, Marie Cardona, and shows no self-reproof at only for killing an Arab. His reactions to life and to people distances him from his emotions, and from miserly relationships with others, in that locationfore he is called by the books title, the stranger. While this behaviour can be seen as a negative trait, there is a puppyish woman who seems to indirect request to mystify a relationship with Meursault and a neighbor who wants friendship. Meursault rarely shows either feeling when in situations which w ould, for closely people, bring out salubrious emotions. Throughout the vigil and funeral of his mother, he never cries. He is, further, describe enjoying a cup of coffee with milk during the vigil, and having a smoke with a caretaker at the care for home in which his mother died. The following day, after his mothers funeral, he goes to the beach and meets a power coworker named Marie Cardona. They swim, go to a movie, and so spend the night to come inher. afterwards in their relationship, Marie asks Meursault if he wants to wed her. He responds that it doesnt matter to him, and if she wants to get married, he would agree. She then asks him if he loves her. To that question he responds that he probably doesnt, and explains that marriage rattling isnt such a severe thing and doesnt require love. This... If you want to get a ripe essay, order it on our website:

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