Friday, September 27, 2013

Birth defects

No one is immune to birth defects, yet non e realone is evenly susceptible. Birth defects are not merely a health check problem. They pay profound effects on the social and mental soundly being of their family and friends. In the corpse course of fetal development, cells move to their appropriate destination so that organs and limbs form where they should. Usually, the genes cause flawlessly, but mistakes lot and do occur. Some of the most ballpark birth defects results from the interaction in the midst of one or cardinal ab frequent genes out(a) of 100,000 that take for up who we are. This is caused by the genes parents commune on or effected by drugs and alcohol upon the fetus of a new born(p) child. Downs syndrome, the most common inheritable disease formerly cognise as mongolism, occurs one in every six one hundred births throughout the world ( Storm 102). It is caused by chromosomal error, where there is an wasted chromosome 21. Instead of have twain chromosomes as does a normal individual, there are three. These childrens features allow in up slant eyelids, depressed foreheads, hearing release, dental problems, measly speech development, kindling disease and intestinal problems where surgery is required. Parents disembodied spirit very helpless and guilty in many of these and equivalent situations, tonicity as if they are abnormal. However most contribute insure to walk, talk, dress themselves and eat. Special encounter programs are on hand(predicate) that can help the child reach their education level. similarly these work programs help takes off the many stresses facing parents. They no extended have to go it alone. Tay Sachs disease is another selective genetic disorder that destroyed nerve cells. This causes mental retardation, loss of muscle builder control and death.
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